Help Save Emily: Fire the Director of Florida's Hillsborough County Pet Resources Center

  • por: Janis Restivo
  • destinatário: Hillsborough County Commissioners, Mike Merrill County Administrator, Governor Rick Scott Mayor Bob Buckhorn, Scott Trebatoski Head of Pet Resorce Center, Christine O'Dell Manager of Pet Resource Center

As you will see by this story from our local news station the Hillsbrough county Pet Resources Center has committed many atrocities against animals -- returning neglected and abused animals to their owners again and again. 

This is only the latest in a long string of horrible incidents and it needs to stop. Please sign the petition and pass it on. Hillsbrough county commissioners have turned their backs - thankfully, the local news channel, WFLA continues to tell the story.

As you will see from the story a local animal rescue was called to help this poor abused poodle named Emily. They were going to take care of her and get her back to health... but she was returned by PRC to the owner whose neglect allowed Emily to be in the condition you see in these pictures.

Please sign this so the director of Hillsbrough County Pet Resources Center can be held accountable and the entire organization be put under a microscope for their poor treatment of animals. Additionally, we need to act now so that Emily can be removed from this abusive and neglectful owner and put into a safe place. 

Also look what happened to this dog Charlie. And this poor child, and the dog Georgie

Please spread the word and help get this place shut down. 

Thank you for your help!

This is a link to all the County commissioners in charge of this county agency


I have lived in Tampa all my life. In the past few years since Hillsborough County Pet Resource Center has been created there has been nothing but atrocities reported against this agency. The most current is returning a clearly emaciated and abused animal to its owner with no thought whatsoever of what would happen to the animal. The only excuse was the owner said it would take it to a vet.

If you have to be told to take a dog that looks like a skeleton to a vet you should not even own a pet rock, let alone a dog, and any animal protection agency that would return a dog in this condition to an owner has serious flaws.

You at the Commission have been aware of all these flaws for years - they are always in the news almost monthly, yet you do nothing and you continue to fund this atrocious excuse for an animal rescue agency

I wrote to the mayor who referred me to the head of the County Commission Mike Merrill the County Administrator, who also ignored me this is also not acceptable that those in power continue to ignore all the cries for help and ignore all the problems at the Center which they are more than well aware of.

This needs to stop and our local news is shedding light on it and you still ignore it. We who are signing this petition demand you do something about this, this is not acceptable

You continue to ignore us, you ignore the local news station, you turn your back and allow this agency to do what they want and now you have a child attack and a dog put to sleep that did not need to be all due to incompetence.... we are not going to be silenced. Certainly we know how hard it is to handle the volumes of unwanted pets, but other shelters do, please fix this one.

Those is power have the obligation to help the powerless. Please do YOUR JOB at the Hillborough County Commission and investiage and correct this excuse of a Pet Resource Center. You fund it, you need to fix it. This is unacceptable.

Atualização #48 anos atrás
I just sent a link to our petition to Florida Governor Rick Scott. He has been proactive in investigating other agencies funded within the state of Florida. Please put a comment when you sign so that he will know your thoughts and wishes. Perhaps the Hillsbrough County commissioners will not ignore him. Thank you
Atualização #38 anos atrás
Urgent update please share this to everybody you know on Facebook and Twitter and anywhere you can. Today local news reports a volunteer coordinator of the pet resource center let a three-year-old child play in her office with a pitbull who they had adopted out and gotten back from a man who abused it. It attack the child. The dog was put to sleep. It had been trained to be aggressive by that convicted felon they adopted it to. Please help get her fired and this agency shut down
Atualização #28 anos atrás
Emily the abused dog. This is the latest local news story.
The owner screamed at the reporter when he went to check on the dog and threatened to call the police. I wrote to the mayor who referred me to the head of the County commissioners who also ignored me. Keep signing and place a comment also because I'm going to mail this to both of them. Thank you
Atualização #18 anos atrás
To everyone who signed my petition to help save Emily, the abused dog who was returned to her owner from Hillsborough County Pet Resource Center. I have just emailed the signatures to our mayor, Bob Buckhorn. If and when I hear back from him I will update everyone. Please continue to sign and pass and add comments to this petition so that it cannot be ignored. Thank you!
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