Stop Hormel Supplier's Abuse of Mother Pigs and Piglets

For more than three months, PETA went undercover at an Iowa pig factory farm, which supplies piglets who are raised and killed for Hormel products.

PETA found rampant cruelty to animals - committed by workers and supervisors. The farm changed ownership and management during PETA's investigation, but that made no difference to the animals who were born and confined there: Abuse and neglect were widespread during PETA's entire investigation.

Abuses were brutal and widespread, including beating and kicking the animals for no reason and jabbing at the animals' eyes and faces.

By purchasing pigs bred and born on this farm and then grown elsewhere before being slaughtered for Hormel products, Hormel is financially supporting an operation whose employees abuse animals.

Sign this petition today to tell Hormel to demand that this farm and all of their suppliers meet the animal welfare guidelines set forth by PETA.
Dear [Decision Maker],

I just heard about a disturbing video on that clearly shows that workers were abusing mother pigs and piglets who were to be raised and killed for Hormel products.

Please follow PETA's lead and call for the immediate termination and criminal prosecution of any employee - of this farm, Hormel, or any of your other suppliers - who is caught abusing or neglecting animals. You should also demand that this farm and all your suppliers meet the animal welfare guidelines set forth by PETA.

These guidelines include phasing out the use of gestation crates by 2011, installing a video monitoring system that will be observed by a third party, and providing enrichment for pigs, just to name a few.

Until you do your part to stop cruelty to animals and meet all of PETA's demands, I will refuse to buy any Hormel products and encourage my friends and family to do the same.
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