Take Action to Save Sloat!

The Sloat area of Ocean Beach is a dynamic region that is home to world-class surfing and is a heavily used natural recreational resource for beach walkers, joggers, fishermen, and others. The area also provides habitat for numerous wildlife species including the bluff-dwelling Bank Swallow, a state-listed threatened bird species, as well as the Western Snowy Plover, a federally threatened bird species. As the primary public beach serving the city, it is important to protect Ocean Beach for its ecology and for the public's use and enjoyment.

With the acceleration of sea level rise, relocation and realignment of development is expected to become increasingly important to provide space for our changing coastlines and beaches. The erosion response strategy, managed retreat (also known as strategic relocation) is based upon this concept.  By utilizing this strategy, wetlands and intertidal areas are protected, and natural shoreline dynamics are maintained.

Coastal armoring, the conventional erosion response strategy, tends to exacerbate erosion, causing more rapid loss of the beach and is detrimental to vital coastal habitat. Rock revetment, the primary form of armoring utilized by the City of San Francisco, has destroyed a large section of the beach, diminished public access, and will continue to threaten the world-class wave at Sloat.

For these reasons, I support the Save Sloat! campaign and urge The City of San Francisco to move away from coastal armoring and restore the beach at Sloat through a strategy of managed retreat (strategic relocation). 

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