Fight For the Right to Express Your Own Style in the Workplace

  • por: Katie Ru
  • destinatário: Katie Rusk
I am fighting for the right for employees to be able to express their own style in the workplace, along with any required uniforms.
In many workplaces, McDonald's Restaurants in particular, employees are not aloud to work if they have any visable peircings, besides the ears, must have a natural hair colour(Blonde, Black, Red, Brown, Grey), and no unnatural looking highlights(Example, blonde hair with black).  The male employees must have short hair, and are not aloud to have pony tails, or long hair.  Employees should have the right to choose their own style, and there is no reason that an employer should have the right to be predjudice and say that their employees cannot look the way they want.  What does this predjudice say about todays society?  Are we all supposed to look like everyone else?  How is this any different from racism, or being prejudice against another person's religion?  Please sign this petition for the right of employees today!
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