STOP bullfighting in Catalonia, Spain

Make the Catalan Parliament prohibit bullfighting in Catalonia, Spain after the declaration of Barcelona as an anti-bullfighting city on last April 2004.

1) The declaration of principles of the Catalan Law for the Protection of Animals, 22/2003 of July 4th, considers animals as organisms endowed with physical and psychic sensitivity.
2) The Plenary of Barcelona City Council, agreeing with ethical principles, declared itself anti-bullfighting (6-4-2004).
3) Bullfights are a public show the practice and finality of which are physical and psychic suffering, agony and death of the bulls, besides the risks and ill-treatments for the horses.
4) As a cruel and violent show, it results anti-educative, painful and is incompatible with the principle of respect that animals deserve.

As a consequence, by signing below, we adhere and solicit that the Parliament promote and approve, as soon as possible, the modification of the Law for the Protection of Animals, by suppressing bullfights in Catalonia.
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