Tell Congress to Protect Tiger Habitats
- por: WWF
- destinatário: Members of Congress
Forests are being destroyed and degraded at alarming rates — equivalent to 36 football fields every minute.
One major driver of forest loss and degradation is illegal logging, which includes the harvesting, transporting, processing, buying or selling of timber in violation of national laws. As the world's largest consumer of forest products, Americans play a key role in deterring illegally sourced timber and protecting important habitats for wild tigers.
In 2008, Congress recognized the threats of degradation and deforestation to wildlife and people by amending the Lacey Act of 1900 to prohibit illegal timber and timber products from entering the US market. It's critical that we implement the Lacey amendments to the fullest extent in order to realize the benefits they can have for forests and species around the globe.
Take action and tell Congress you support the 2008 Lacey amendments.
Dear [Decision Maker], In 2008, Congress stood with industry, environmental and labor organizations to pass groundbreaking amendments to the Lacey Act of 1900, prohibiting illegally sourced timber products from entering the US market. These amendments were a direct response to the alarming destruction of forests around the globe and the $1 billion in annual costs to the US timber industry caused by the illegal timber market. Since their passage, the 2008 amendments have been helping companies to make smarter sourcing decisions and monitor their supply chains to avoid illegal timber. In addition, Australia and the European Union have followed suit and passed their own groundbreaking legislation. These measures to counter illegal logging have significant benefits for forests around the globe and the people who depend on them. But there is more work to be done. A recent United Nations report cited illegal logging and forest crime to have an estimated worth of $30 billion to $100 billion annually, or 10 to 30% of the total global timber trade. In order to realize the benefits that the 2008 Lacey Act amendments can have for forests around the globe, I ask that you support their full implementation. Sincerely, [Your Name]
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