EU Please Ban The Import Of Wildlife "Trophies" into Europe.

  • por: Joanne White
  • destinatário: European Commission, British Government and more

European Max Van Amelsfoort kills wildlife abroad for fun and encourages other Europeans to do the same via his "hunting business", which also contains a pricelist for kills,  African wildlife is quickly decreasing in numbers largely due to this and others doing the same.  It is clearly not a conservation tool, or one that deters poachers. In fact trophy hunting and illegal poaching often go together and native African people do not eat such as cat meat in general.
These animals are being sold to massacre in their thousands in the name of "sport" by greedy landowners or agents, usually from abroad, and some of which have also been found to be involved in illegal poaching prey on wild animals, as well as breeding them in poor conditions to be killed. Most of the proceeds are kept by them, while eco-tourism (by far the biggest income for the locals, and shared -income provider) is threatened because the wildlife numbers are decreasing.
Apart from that, in general people are finding this despicable and cruel (due to baiting and the kill video’s being made of these “hunts”), especially in the year 2016 and want wildlife to be preserved for future generations instead of hurried towards extinction by this practice.  Herewith a report by Democratic staff of the House Natural Resources Committee confirming this. and a new report here.

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