She Called to Say Their Dog Was Dead and In the Freezer

  • destinatário: Authorities in Ontario, Canada
We all need help sometimes when we go out of town and can't bring our pets with us. That's why we turn to pet-care apps and doggy daycares to ensure our animals are well tended to. But in Ontario, Canada, that devolved into heartbreak for multiple families.

They had all entrusted one woman who was offering app-based dog care services - and she neglected their dogs to the point of severity. In the end, five dogs died.

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Apparently, the woman had been running an illegal kennel business out of her home, operating without a license. The people who dropped their animals off with her had no idea.

So far, the woman is accused of neglecting and harming 24 dogs in total. One pet owner recalled the story of how she dropped her two bulldogs off at the woman's residence. Less than 24 hours later, the woman called her with a blunt message about one of her dogs: "Yeah, like he's dead."

When the pet owner demanded to see her dog, the woman reportedly told her: "Well, he's in the freezer. I put him in the freezer." After the pet owner shared her story on social media, another dog mom responded saying her dog had also died at the kennel on the same day.

Authorities have apprehended the woman and she's now been charged with 96 counts of animal mistreatment.

But the strange part is, authorities had known she was running an illegal kennel business for years, and she had faced multiple citations before this point. How was this allowed to happen? Demand an investigation now! We must achieve justice for these deceased pets.
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