Protect Manatees from Winter Harassment

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: U. S. Fish & Wildlife Services

Manatees are some of America's sweetest and most docile marine mammals. They are beloved -- and their adoring fans at Three Sisters Springs in Kings Bay, Florida could be one of the greatest threats to their survival. 

Known as "sea cows," manatees are a favorite among animal-loving visitors to Florida. They are sweet and harmless. They live a natural, carefree way of life... except when they are harassed. 

Swimming with the manatees, may sound like fun. But these gentle animals migrate to Three Sisters Springs in Kings Bay for life-saving warmth during winter months.  Allowing people to interact with the manatees during this crucial time can stress the animals out, putting their lives in danger. Manatees need these warm waters to avoid lethal cold-stress syndrome. They need to rest in comfort and serenity at this time without the stress of human interaction.

Organizations like the esteemed Center for Biological Diversity and dedicated local wildlife champions have long advocated that we should do more to protect manatees in these waters from too much human harassment. Now the US Fish & Wildlife Services has released a proposal to keep people away from their waters during manatee season and to free these remarkable animals from direct harassment overall.

Speak out for manatees! Sign this life-saving petition and send a message to the US Fish and Wildlife Service to let them know that you want to see these popular marine mammals protected.

Director Ashe,

I strongly support your proposal to ensure that the waters of the Three Sisters Springs in Florida are closed to human swimmers during the manatee winter season. These animals rely on the space and peace they need to survive cold winter temps and allowing for people to interact with them at this crucial time can affect their health and well-being.

[Your comments here] 

I support your efforts and urge the US Fish and Wildlife Service to safeguard these animals and promote alternative wildlife-viewing experiences that are in the best interest of these manatees.


[Your name]

Atualização #18 anos atrás
Email sent to U. S. Fish & Wildlife services. Thank you for speaking out in favor of these wonderful, gentle souls!!
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