Restore recreation and wildlife on the Conodoguinet creek.

  • por: Michael Blanchfield
  • destinatário: Cumberland County Commissioners and Planning Department

This petition is to request Cumberland County to restore the Conodoguinet creek bed in the area where it was altered during the Orr's Bridge construction project. The reduction of the creek bed elevation, caused by the removal of the dam in this location has significantly affected the water levels. The dam was constructed during the development of Point Ridge Farms neighborhood in 1960. It raised water levels and provided uninterrupted passage of recreational floats (rafts, canoes, etc.) and wildlife (fish, turtles, etc.). The submerged dam enabled fish migration and maintained a minimum water level from Orr's Bridge heading upstream, through the dry seasons. Cumberland County's plan, public notices and press releases indicated the dam would not be impacted by the bridge construction project.  However, they did remove the dam, and the water levels dropped instantly. Without restoration of the dam, the creek will never be the same.

The water depth levels are now (April 2021) less than half of what they were due to the dam removal in October 2020.  Approx. 2 ft. of water depth has been lost. This adversely affects wildlife and recreational use of the Conodoguinet creek. Multiple requests have been made to the Cumberland County Commissioners office. So far, the County has not been willing to restore the creek bed or replace the dam.  Your signature will be used to demonstrate a broad public support for this restoration.

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