Requiring Airlines to Institute a Bill of Rights for Food Allergic Children/Adult Passengers

  • por: Lianne Mandelbaum
  • destinatário: The Airlines, Legislators that govern travel guidelines, FAA, DOT, TSA

My son Joshua and I were horrified when United airlines refused to accommodate his life-threatening peanut allergy. Please sign my petition to ensure this doesn't happen to anyone else.

Children and adults with food allergies should be able to report their allergy without fear of being kicked off a flight. As it stands, they have no such rights and cases have been reported of people being taken off a flight for reporting a food allergy.

It should be standard that, once informed of a food allergy, the crew create a buffer zone at least three rows in front and three rows behind the allergic person. The crew member should ask customers seated in the buffer zone to refrain from consuming any products with said allergen that they have brought onboard and the crew will not serve said allergen containing products to these rows.

There are no federal guidelines to protect this growing population of consumers, either. Therefore, different flight crews on the same airlines will react differently to a food allergy request. This makes flying even more stressful and dangerous for the child or adult with an anaphylactic allergy.

Please sign the petition to ask airlines to properly accommodate food allergic passengers, and for legislators to pass regulations requiring them to do so!

Atualização #29 anos atrás
S1972 was recently introduced into the US Senate. This bipartisan bill addresses access to auto-injectors; but in asking for GAO Study, would give us data we need on Airline policies to push for the food allergy accommodations asked for in my petition.
It is vital that all US signers write their Senators to support this bill
Please use this link to write your letters

Lianne-, @nonuttraveler
Atualização #111 anos atrás
Today I launched The No Nut Traveler. This is a website dedicated to all the people who have food allergies and wish to fly on commercial airlines.

On our website you can share your experiences with airlines so we can build a database of support, write your legislator and file a complaint with the DOT (Department of Transportation).

Please log on, take a look, and share your stories if applicable and forward to your family and friends.
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