FCPS has just been hit with the biggest snow we've seen since the great blizzard of '16. While some streets have been plowed, there are still several areas of the county that are untouched. Measurements of snowfall across the county range from 8 inches to almost a foot- not to mention, there's ice everywhere. If we were to have school tomorrow, it would impose safety hazards to several all across the county. In the past, there have been several reports of injuries due to FCPS not having discretion when deciding whether or not to close school. We need to FCPS to close tomorrow, for the safety of our students and staff.

Atualização #16 anos atrás
Email and! They need more student and parent testimonies. Be honest about the state your neighborhood is in and be sure to bring up any safety concerns. The more testimonies that get sent to them, the more they'll take our petition seriously.
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