Ban declawing of cats in the United States

Declawing a cat of any age is a painful, major operation that can have serious, horrible side effects on the animal and there are so many other alternatives to keep your cat from ruining furniture or whatever it is that you don't want them to scratch.  Veterinarians in most cases discuss alternatives and warn about side effects because they are removing the toes of the cat to the last knuckle, and if the back feet are declawed, the animal has no defense for itself.  Please!  Don't declaw!  Sign my petition to ban the whole procedure and stop veterinarians from performing it at all.  It's a mutilation and it should be stopped..period.  Thank you!

Atualização #310 anos atrás
I have contacted the Senator of my state and asked him to please pick up my petition and put it before Congress so that declawing a cat would become illegal. I am hoping to put my petition with 1000 signatures before him to show that people all over the world think this is a barbaric and cruel practice and should NEVER be done again in the U.S. My appreciation and love go out to all of you for your support.
Atualização #210 anos atrás
I would like to thank all those who have signed my petition to ban the declawing of cats of any age in the United States. I thank you from my heart. Please share this petition to others so that they may also sign and lets put a stop to this barbaric procedure! Cats do not deserve this cruelty done to them by their owners! Let's get this petition out there and let's make a difference for those who cannot speak on their own behalf. Thank you!
Atualização #110 anos atrás
We're almost half way there on signatures, but I would really like to see more people from the United States sign this petition! I want to thank everyone who has done so from the bottom of my heart for their signatures, and hope they will share my petition with others. Thank you so much. DON'T DECLAW!!
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