Save Your Pet's Life; Demand Pet Microchipping Laws In Your State

  • por: Erin M
  • destinatário: State Representatives and Governors
According to a NY based study, a microchipped cat has a 38.5 percent chance of being reunited with its owner compared to a dismal 1.8 percent chance of return for un-microchipped cats. The return rate is even higher for microchipped dogs with a return rate of 50 percent, 30 points higher than their fellow un-microchipped canines.

With stats like these, it is shocking to learn that pet owners still don't get their pets microchipped.

But for those that do, the state of New York's new law will ensure that their pets have the best chance possible of getting back home.

The law requires rescue organizations and shelters to scan cats and dogs for microchips within 24 hours of admission. That means if a pet owner's cat or dog happens to be found or rescued — and their pet is microchipped — they will get a call. Without it, pets could quickly be put in on the list for adoption or worse, euthanasia. It will also work to ease overcrowding at shelters since pets can quickly be returned to their rightful owners rather than being a financial burden on rescue organizations and shelters that are often strapped for cash.

A similar law in your state could help save your pet's life and help you avoid months of grief and heartache. Unfortunately, as of 2017, only 8 states required shelters to scan for microchips. New York, now joins that lift but that leaves more than 4/5ths of the nation without this important legislation.

Help get this law on the books all across America by signing this petition in support of pet microchipping laws and then contact your representative and tell them you want this law in your state.
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