Colombia Finally Banned Bullfighting. Venezuela Must Do The Same!

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: National Assembly of Venezuela

In a monumental move for animal rights, Colombia has officially banned bullfighting, marking an end to centuries of animal cruelty disguised as sport. This decision reflects a growing acknowledgment that the torture of animals for entertainment is unacceptable in a civilized society. Now, it's time for Venezuela to follow suit and protect these majestic creatures.

Sign this petition to urge the Venezuelan government to implement a similar ban on bullfighting!

Colombia's recent legislative victory sends a clear message that cultural traditions can evolve and that compassion for animals is paramount. The new law includes a transition period to help those employed by the industry find new opportunities, showing that economic concerns can be addressed compassionately and effectively.

In Venezuela, bullfighting continues to subject animals to unnecessary suffering and death for mere entertainment. This practice is not only cruel but also tarnishes the image of the country as a place that respects life and dignity. Venezuela must finally ban bullfighting and join a growing list of nations that respect and protect animal rights.

Sign this petition to tell Venezuela that the time has come to end the barbaric practice of bullfighting and to start respecting all forms of life.

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