Stop the killing of animals for their fur.

  • por: Julie Tran
  • destinatário: Xi Jinping (China's President)

Fur farming is a quick growing industry. The act of killing animals by skinning them for their fur and slaughtering their remains. It is a process that makes a large amount of money by selling the furs to fashion industries. Unfortunately, while these animals are being caged up they are given no act of kindness. According to PETA’s article “Fur Farms,” these animals are being tortured from lack of food and shelter, “Animals on fur factory farms are fed meat byproducts considered unfit for human consumption. Water is provided by a nipple system, which often freezes in the winter and can also fail because of human error.”
China has one of the largest fur farms in the world. It is the largest fur trading country, more than half of its fur is imported to the United States. As an animal enthusiast, it is concerning to learn about the killing of animals to use them for fur. These animals are being deprived of food, a proper shelter, and cleanness. They are confined in a cage that is never clean and they lack nutrition. They lack essentials to survive, such as water. They are fed water through a tube, which during the winter freezes and often time results in no food or water.
By stopping the act of selling animal fur to large industries we can prevent the cruel slaughter of these harmless creatures. By not buying fur or leather items that come from an animal we can ensure that our voice for this is heard. Everyone, including animals are entitled to feel comfortable in their own skin. So sign the petition and make a difference.

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