Save Pangolins from the Illegal Wildlife Trade!

  • por: Julie S.
  • destinatário: Ministry of Environmental Protection, The People’s Republic of China; Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam; Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong; Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia

Pangolins are unique mammals that have an extremely important ecological role. Just one of these scale-covered anteaters consumes up to 70 million insects per year, providing millions of dollars of free pest control. Pangolins also improve soil quality as a result of their burrowing behavior. Tragically, these incredible animals are being driven to extinction by the illegal wildlife trade.

Pangolin scales are in high demand in traditional Chinese and Vietnamese medicine. They are used to treat a variety of conditions from asthma to reproductive problems and cancer - despite a total lack of evidence regarding their effectiveness.

In an attempt to save pangolins from extinction, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) provided the strictest possible protections for all species of pangolins.

Despite ongoing worldwide efforts to save pangolins, more than 10,000 continue to be killed illegally every year. Chinese officials recently seized more than three tons of body parts of dead pangolins. Experts estimate that up to 7,500 pangolins were killed for this one shipment of scales, and that its street value was worth more than $2 million. Thousands of dead pangolins have been seized in Vietnam and Indonesia as well.

Please sign and share this petition urging the governments of China, Vietnam, and Indonesia to develop comprehensive and effective strategies to end the illegal trafficking of pangolins within their borders. International efforts to save the pangolin from extinction are having limited effectiveness - full participation of these governments is essential to protecting this amazing animal. Please demand that they take action before it is too late!

Honorable Members of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Department of Nature and Ecology Conservation,The People’s Republic of China; Honorable Members of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam; Honorable Members of the Environmental Protection Department, Nature Conservation Programme, Hong Kong; Honorable Members of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia:

I am outraged regarding the illegal trade of pangolins that is continuing to occur within your nations’ borders despite massive international efforts to protect this species.

Despite worldwide efforts to protect pangolins, more than 10,000 are poached every year. Earlier this month, Chinese authorities seized three tons of body parts from dead pangolins. Experts estimate that up to 7,500 pangolins were killed for this one shipment of scales, and that it street value was worth more than $2 million. Similar incidents have occurred in Vietnam and Indonesia.

International efforts to save the pangolin from extinction are having very limited effectiveness. I request that you develop comprehensive and effective strategies to end the illegal trafficking of pangolins within your borders. I ask for your full support and participation in protecting pangolins before it is too late.

Thank you for your consideration.

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