Remove Trump's star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame!

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, The Hollywood Historic Trust

Donald Trump has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and it has been vandalized again and again since the start of his presidential campaign. It's clear that the community does not think he deserves to be represented there.

Sign this petition if you think it's time for the Hollywood Walk of Fame to remove Trump's star!

The fact that Donald Trump has a star along with the likes of Meryl Streep, Bill Murray and Audrey Hepburn is an insult in and of itself. The former reality TV star has been spawning hateful, sexist and racist rhetoric since the beginning of his campaign.

Trump's despicable messaging represents all the worst parts of our national conversation, which explains the public's disdain for this historical monument to him.

Everything from spray paint to spit to feces has shown up on his star in the last few months. One person spray painted a mute symbol over the star, another put a large swastika. Humans have peed on it, pet owners have let their dogs poop on it, and many passerby spit at it. The message is clear: the public does not approve of Trump or the fact that he has a Hollywood Star.

Sign this petition to tell the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce to remove the star.
Atualização #26 anos atrás
We’re almost there! After Trump’s star was vandalized again recently, city officials voted to have it removed. Now the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce just needs to give the go ahead and it’s out! Keep sharing the petition as we’ll be delivering signatures shortly!
Atualização #18 anos atrás
Someone built a wall around Trump’s Hollywood star. Obviously, the star is not wanted and should be removed.
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