Marineland (animal suffering); A message to John Holer (owner) to provide better management and care

  • por: Nikunj Varshney
  • destinatário: John Holer, owner of Marineland; Municipal Government of Niagara Falls; Province of Ontario

Note: Please put in valid information on the petition for legal reasons. 

THE EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY DO NOT DENY MISTREATMENT. IN FACT THEY ARE THE ONES WHO BROUGHT THIS FORTH. There needs to be more attention, from the federal, provincial or municipal government in change of administration and care for the animals.

Evidence and pictures: 

NIAGARA FALLS, ONT.—Larry lies behind bars in a pen, his eyes red and swollen. The harbour seal with “an amazing little personality” who arrived at Marineland about eight years ago is now a shadow of his former self. After repeated exposure to unhealthy water, he has gone blind. (The Star)

Only one example of the various accounts of animal suffering at Marineland, Ontario. The owner, John Holer, denies the evidence put forth by 8 former Marineland Employees. The water conditions have affected many of the marine animals, resulting in: Skin peeling off, inflammation around fins, inflammation in the eyes and blindness.

Sign to bring this message to John Holer. Let’s make him realize what he is apart of and being held accountable for; so he can fix this mess and the animals can stop spending their time in the level of pain they are in.

Read more here: 

A little history about John Holer

Recently - Evicted 47 families from their homes in Green Oaks (

1977 - John Holer illegally caught six bottlenose dolphins off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico which were later seized by the U.S. Department of Fisheries

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