We demand the removal of bad elements from our streets!

We as the Sea point community have been faced with many traumatic experiences due to the presence of the bad elements roaming the streets of Sea point 24/7.  There has been a spike in robberies,breaking in of vehicles,harrasement and verbal abuse from these bad elements on our community members.  We as the community are fearing our lives when going to stores or even going for a walk during exercise times.We have had enough.  We will not be prisoners in our own community.  We are entitked to feel safe in our community.  We stand together for the removal of the bad elements in our community.

We demand the authorities to take action.

Enough is enough!

Atualização #14 anos atrás
Good Morning

Thank you for signing this petition.Every signature counts and allows us to get one step closer to a safer community. We appreciate all your responses.

Lets work together in creating a safe environment for everyone.

Kind regards
Determined community members.

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