Hello 👋,
I was just watching a programme on Scotland's wildlife and conservation. Scotland has some incredible wildlife and absolutely stunning wilderness views. There was much about the conservation work being done, such as the tagging of golden eagles, the photography and filming of wild whales and dolphins (yes, there are whales and dolphins in Scotland and they are wonderful).
There was also talk of the reintroduction of native species such as native bird species, and the possible reintroduction of wolves, bears and lynx. What an amazing thing that would be! To have these beautiful, icons of nature and the UK's natural history back in the UK, as nature intended! These wolves, bears and lynx would help to restore natural balance, preying on the young, the weak and the old prey animals such as deer, helping natural selection and doing far, far less damage than us humans. They could be very beneficial to Scotland's nature...
Wolves were reintroduced to the USA's Yellowstone National Park and the results of their restoring balance in the park are astounding. They have helped the riverbanks by preying on beavers and controlling the numbers naturally, preying on the deer and reducing their damage to the vegetation and even the bears reappeared.
Of course, this move would not be popular with farmers who would lose farm animals but, if the farmers were paid by the government and insurances for every farm animal killed and the use of humane, non-lethal electric fences, fladry and non-lethal guard dogs (preferably rescued, and of course the dogs should be much loved, named and cared for extremely well and trained effectively with kindness, not cruelty) and the use of gun shots to just scare away the predators, not to kill them could be employed to help keep the farmers happier...
Many conservationists have been working to get these wild creatures reintroduced to the UK. As for the dangers to humans, wolf attacks on humans are extremely rare. The chances of you getting attacked by a healthy, wild wolf are extremely slim, they are very scared of humans...
As for the risks presented by bears, bear spray exists and is used by people in America to protect themselves against bears. Could humane, non-lethal, deterrent, protection sprays not be used to protect against the reintroduced wild creatures here in the UK, too?
We need to restore natural balance. We need to all help save nature. We need to reintroduce bears, lynx and wolves to Scotland as soon as possible...
Please at least have a vote on this for the Scottish people.
Thank you 😊.
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!
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