Stop Vivisection and any type of Tests on animals NOW!

  • por: louis gauci
  • destinatário: European union, United Nations, President Obama, States of America and Australian Parliament

We human beings are calling all governments, institutions and orginasations to step up their efforts to eliminate  any type of tests on animals and close any facility where such tests are being carried out. These tests are unacceptable and unnecassarily in our days, that are causing so much suffering to thousands of defenceless animals.  One cannot understand how governments are still financing and approving this cruelty without taking in consideration the animals'  plight.  Shame on us still using these methods for our selfish interests. 

We are calling all responsable governments and institutions to stop this industry and programms that we humans can do without.  So please governments wake up and take action NOW, because out there are animals waiting to be freed and not to be used as guinea pigs. 




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