Law in Mississippi Proposed To Let Police Enter Homes Without Warrants and Shoot Dogs

A new bill has been proposed which would allow police officers to enter any home, regardless of whether or not they have a warrant, if there is a pit bull on the property. Even worse, the bill would allow officers to shoot and kill the dog if only a handful of conditions were met.

The Huffington Post reported that measure would make Mississippi the only state in history with a policy against a specific dog breed.

House Bill 1261 not only says police may enter homes without warrants, but they could actually kill the animal if they determine the dogs are “not under proper restraint when on the premises of its owner” or if they are not wearing vaccination tags and “attempts to peacefully capture the dog have been made and proven unsuccessful.”

Dear Govenor of Mississippi:

Please do not allow this sort of home invasion action to happen.  This is very wrong and inhumane.  So much could go so completely sideways and innocent dogs quite likely will be killed.  Thank you for listening to our plea.

Atualização #59 anos atrás
Due to the unpopularity of this proposed bill H.B. 1261, it was killed in committee. We still must be very vigilant and watch out for other proposed bills of this nature. Thank you for all of your support!
Atualização #49 anos atrás
I am going to keep this petition open for just a little bit longer. I am still hoping to get to 2,000 signatures. I will then send it to Gov. Phil Bryant ( P.O. Box 139, Jackson, MS 39205). Please encourage others to sign, especially those folks you know who reside in Mississippi.
Atualização #39 anos atrás
We actually topped 1000 signatures and I am going to try for 2000 so that I have something substantial to submit to the governor of Mississippi. Thank you, everyone!
Atualização #29 anos atrás
We are almost there! Once we have 1,000 signatures, I will send it to the governor of Mississippi.
Atualização #19 anos atrás
So far, we are just short of half way to our goal of 1000 signatures before I can send this petition to the governor. Please share with friends that you believe would be sympathic to this cause. Thank you.
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