K9 Cop is Retiring, So Why Can't He Be Adopted Into a Loving Home?

  • por: Mary DeWitt
  • destinatário: Albuquerque Police Department, Celina Espinoza, Communications Director

"Rex is currently in the custody of Animal Services, and it's possible he could be euthanized, in part because he's deemed to be too old to bond and work with a new handler. After announcing that state of affairs Monday, Albuquerque police said they're now getting offers to take the dog from former K-9 handlers, as well as from animal rescue groups."

Therefore, PLEASE, allow a qualified handler to adopt Rex.

Short and sweet: Rex has served and protected his colleagues and the citizens of Albuquerque. Please protect him for the rest of his NATURAL life by allowing a qualified handler to adopt him. Thank you!

Atualização #19 anos atrás
Thanks to the groundswell of disapproval, Rex will live out the rest of his natural life in a wonderful new home! Three options being evaluated are Warrior Dog Foundation (Texas), Mission K9 Rescue (again, Texas), and Montana German Shepherd and Belgian Malinois Rescue.

Please keep sharing so that we complete the petition. The results will be sent to the Albuquerque Police Department tomorrow (9/30/15) evening. THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR SHARING AND CARING!!
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