Show NCSOFT That There Is A Demand For An Oceanic & SEA Server For Blade & Soul

The Blade & Soul community have long awaited for this MMORPG to come to their region. On May 20th, 2015 it was announced that Blade & Soul will be released this winter for North America and Europe.






The Blade & Soul Team/NCSOFT currently stated that they would only support additional servers in other locations, if they can see there would be a decent playerbase for it.

Source: Blade and Soul's Facebook Page

The Blade & Soul Team/NCSOFT must know that due to the game being heavily action-orientated, and the way the games "netcode" was designed. That latency/ping severely effects ones attack speed/DPS/skill activation and mobility.

Please sign petition to show NCSOFT and the Blade & Soul Team, that it would be commercially viable to support servers for the Oceanic and SEA regions.

If you wish to further help the cause, please tell your friends, family, colleagues... everyone about the petition and get them to sign it! Also please share this via email and on social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, etc). Thus giving more exposure to the petition and the cause it is trying to strive for.

Yours Sincerely,

The Blade & Soul Oceanic/SEA Community

UPDATES (Please Scroll To The Bottom For The Latest Info):

Source: Blade & Soul Dojo Forum

Source: Blade & Soul Dojo Forum

Omeed Dariani: What about an Australian server?

Julianne Harty: Ah, the topic.

Nico Coutant: Didn't Julianne send that question? *Collective Laughter*

Julianne Harty: It is a topic close to my heart, I will admit. Um, this there's still discussion with that behind the scenes, and there's a bit of complications behind it but we're keeping an eye on it. And this is like I said something that's close to my own heart, I'd like to go back home and play.

Omeed Dariani: Ah, and we've seen there's a petition with I think 1,800 signatures on it, at this point. Which is pretty, pretty impressive.

Julianne Harty: It is pretty impressive, but if you want to help out, and you belong, if you live in the Australian or South East Asian areas and you want to have a server dedicated to that region. Please sign that petition so that gives us a little bit more understanding on how much demand there is. If you don't live in those areas, please do not sign the petition because it's not relevant for you.

Source (Blade & Soul: Business Model Revealed LIVE Stream 1:03:49-1:04:38):

UPDATE (19/08/15):

Source: Blade & Soul Offical Site FAQ:

Source: Blade & Soul Dojo Forum

UPDATE (05/09/15):

Source: Blade and Soul's Facebook Page

Source: Blade and Soul's Facebook Page

UPDATE (16/10/15):

Source: Julianne Harty's Twitter - Blade & Soul Brand Manager

UPDATE (19/10/15):

170 ms is the best I'm going to get from Melbourne Australia to Austin Texas.

The best latency an Australian will get is 160-180, but the test server is in Austin, Texas. So expect a latency of 220-250 when the release servers in Dallas, Texas go online.

UPDATE (23/01/16):

Q: Will there be a oceanic server in the near future for all the AU and NZ players? - asian_springroll

A: Julianne Harty - Blade & Soul Brand Manager

"Ohh, the subject that's close to my heart (laughs).

So right now our focus is a 100% on the existing servers that we have in North America and Europe.

When things die down a little bit on this end, and we have a bit more opportunity to look further at potential in the future. Is when we'll consider the opportunity of an Oceanic server.

Having said that, I do know there's a petition floating around right now, that is collecting signatures. We do, I do, check that out, I do look at and say hey that's pretty good. That will be one piece that will really help sell having an Oceanic server to the powers that be, the ones that make the decisions.

But there's a lot to consider with building that up, and so I can't give you a definitive yes or no. I can't give you a definitive date, but it is something we're looking into and assessing the viability of."

Source: Twitch Stream - Launch Recap & Dev Q&A (Time Stamp: 00:48:50-00:50:06)

Atualização #59 anos atrás
Q: Will there be a oceanic server in the near future for all the AU and NZ players? - asian_springroll

Answered by Julianne Harty - Blade & Soul Brand Manager

Twitch Stream - Launch Recap & Dev Q&A:

Time Stamp: 00:48:50-00:50:06
Atualização #49 anos atrás
170 ms is the best I'm going to get from Melbourne Australia to Austin Texas.

The best latency an Australian will get is 160-180, but the test server is in Austin, Texas. So expect a latency of 220-250 when the release servers in Dallas, Texas go online.
Atualização #39 anos atrás
Atualização #29 anos atrás
"If we ever get a SEA server, Oceanic server, I'm still hoping for that one." - Julianne Harty

Atualização #19 anos atrás
Update 19/05/15
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