The de-criminalization of marijuana for medical and personal use.

I'm on 9 different medications for anxiety and depression and for my other affliction
namely IBS there are no medications my G.I. doctor has tried that even comes close to making me comfortable from this affliction. I can't tolerate the heat in the summer because of these meds. I just feel it's unfair that there is a drug out there that would aid with all 3 of my afflictions and the MAN sits at night in his bar ,drinks himself silly & ends up killing someone that pissed him off in his drunken stupor on his way home. I know of no one of my friends who smokes pot that ever killed another human being because he was too stoned. Maine and many other states have decriminilized marijuana; New Jersey is considering this .WHY NOT NEW YORK!!!!
If you feel the same way I and many others New Yorkers feel, please sign this petition to let government know how you feel regarding this topic. Peace
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