Tougher penalties for animal cruelty

  • por: Mary Nickum
  • destinatário: All State Legislatures
At 8 weeks old, a small black and white kitten named Dexter is lucky to be alive after his owner and her two young sons took him to a neighborhood park and beat him and another kitten with an aluminum bat. Dexter is clinging to life, but his brother died as a result of his injuries.
Four children at a park in Brooksville, Florida watched in horror last Friday evening when they saw 24-year-old Wilana Joenel Frazier and her two sons –one 8 years old and the other 5 — torture the two small kittens.
Frazier hit the kittens with a baseball bat and encouraged her children to kick the animals.

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Do you have a problem with this story? Do you think these horrors don’t happen all too often? Type in “Cruelty to kittens” and search Google. Let’s act to end this horror by petitioning the Legislatures of all 50 States to enact legislation to increase penalties for animal cruelty NOW!
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