No more bashing in the heads of baby storks for "reality" TV!

In a recent episode of Discovery Channel's "Naked and Afraid," two reality TV "stars" came upon a nest of two-month old baby storks. For their "survival" (although in their real lives, they have easy access to grocery stores), they took all five of these babies from their mother and bashed their heads in on some rocks. Please tell Discovery Channel that you will BOYCOTT this show and its advertisers. Tell them that it is unacceptable to exploit the taking of these REAL and completely vulnerable lives for NO REASON other than "entertainment." Tell the network that stooping to the very lowest common denominator is not going to make them more money!

Dear Mr. Zaslav: 

As TV viewers who once respected the Discovery Channel, we would like to express our disgust regarding the recent episode of "Naked and Afraid" in which the two stars bashed in the heads of five two month old baby storks for "survival." This sort of lowest-common denominator television, in which baby animals are killed for no actual reason other than "entertainment," is now more than halfway done with its 15 minutes (believe it!), and soon, your network will be struggling to remain relevant and respectable. We'd like to let you know that we plan to boycott this show, its advertisers, and your network, and will encourage everyone we know to do the same.

Atualização #110 anos atrás
Thank you so much for signing the petition "No more bashing in the heads of baby storks for reality TV." You've partly restored my faith in humanity. Of course, those greedy blankety blanks at the Discovery Channel are obviously not fully human, so they need to see a potential loss of revenue through lots and lots of signatures. Please keep spreading the word, and thanks again!
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