• por: Jeffrey L. Wiles
  • destinatário: L'Oreal Media Office - USA Email Contact:

The L'Oreal Corporation use of animal testing for their cosmetic lines includes putting cosmetic products into the eyes of beagles - puppies by preference - then removing their eyes, and subsequently killing them.

This 'testing' procedure is a horrifying, sickening and cruel torture-mutilation of captive beagles. Just how in the hell can they possibly justify such despicable treatment of a highly sentient and sensitive animal? Nobody with an iota of conscience could ever stoop to such sadistic barbarism. And at a point in time when MANY cosmetic manufacturers have ceased animal testing COMPLETELY, it seems incredible that this company still resorts to what could well be described as blatant abominable cruelty in the course of their product testing.

Unless and until this is stopped - PERMANENTLY - we the undersigned will boycott all cosmetic products of the L'Oreal Corporation USA that involve using this morally debased and totally unacceptable animal testing procedure.

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