Remove the GCL station stop in Pitman, NJ

This petition is to request removal of the Glassboro-Camden Line (GCL) light rail station stop in Pitman, NJ. It is being promoted in conjunction with the track elevation petition found here:

Two miles small, Pitman strongly promotes a community and neighborhood feel. Pitman residents are progressive and recognize the value of light rail transportation in South Jersey. However, Pitman residents will already be in the unique position of being 2.5 miles or less from two existing station stops - Sewell/Pitman and Glassboro. Academic, professional and private studies/research have found that towns with a 2-3mile radius of a rail station stop experience double the benefit of those with in town station stops or more than 3 miles away. Specifically, towns with no stop but within 3miles of a station stop experience on average 40% property value increase, a same or decreased crime rate and approximately 27% economic growth for existing/new businesses. Given The Boro of Pitmans desire to present itself as bike and walking friendly, the Sewell/Pitman and Glassboro station stops will provide more than sufficient access to the GCL.

An at grade light rail station stop in Pitman will result in: 1. Complete disruption of traffic patterns for uptown Pitman at the avenues of Holly, Pitman and Broadway; 2. diminished safety for our school aged children who predominantly walk to school; 3. Unnecessary complications related to parking; 4. Loss of the small town feel; and 5. Introduce difficulty for traditional/standard biking and walking paths.

Those signing this petition are requesting the Boro of Pitman/Council secure agreement from NJ Transit, and any related entities involved in engineering/building the GCL, to have the planned Pitman GCL station stop removed. Pitman residents do not find an in-town station stop for GCL train service acceptable or complementary to the Pitman that we live in and love.

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