Egypt, Giza Zoo Animal Neglect

  • por: Nada Al sharkawi
  • destinatário: To put an end to the Neglect of the Giza zoo animals one way or the other

Long ago when I was just a little kid I used to go to the local zoo in Egypt where is in Giza city, I admit it was great. 9 years later I visited it again and I have to say I was shocked. The animals were kept in a deteriorated environment for example: the Lions were kept in cages as small as a normal bathroom. The elephants had no place to walk and were kept in a dark cage with no access to fresh greens(well most of them, one or two were kept in a sheep fence for people to look at), heck the foxes were kept in a dirty cage in horrible health and one of them had an infected tail as someone cut it off. The crocodiles' teeth were shattered due to the uncivilized people throwing rocks at them. The cages weren't cleaned often. This is all I can say for now but seriously I need all the help I can get to stop this madness. I have a facebook page called animal tails and I will be petitioning everything related to this animal abuse please if you care about animals sign this petition

Atualização #18 anos atrás
Thanks for all the support I really hope that we will make a difference and help those animals
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