Celebrate Acland Burghley's 50th Anniversary without ex-Eton boy Damian Lewis

  • por: Rachel Cohen
  • destinatário: Head of Acland Burghley, Nicholas John

We are former students of Acland Burghley.

We are writing to protest the choice to invite Damian Lewis to celebrate 50 Years of Acland Burghley School.

Acland Burghley has a long and proud tradition in comprehensive education, creatively working with and supporting diverse local students.

Damian Lewis, was educated at Eton a school that, more than any other, represents the reproduction of privilege and inequality in the UK.

We have nothing against him as an actor or local resident, but he is a wholly inappropriate choice for this celebration of a wonderful local comprehensive school.

We call on the current Head and Governors of Acland Burghley to change this decision. There are some brilliant graduates of our school (Eddie Grant, Ms Dynamite, Akala or Lee Thompson for instance). We encourage you to invite these, or others whose associations with the school are longstanding and commitment to comprehensive education evident.

Atualização #19 anos atrás
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It’s not about criticising an actor or the people who invited him, but rather to highlight what made and continues to make Burghley a great school and to celebrate comprehensive education for local people.

So if you’re on Twitter, tell us what it means to be Real Burghley: Memories, good, bad or off the wall, and suggest who or what represents Real Burghley. Hashtag: #RealBurghley

Plus, keep sharing the petition – help us hit 100 signatories today!
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