Release Axel and Angus

  • por: Tracy Bartels
  • destinatário: Alderman Maldonado of Chicago, Illinois

These two dogs have been wrongly accused of biting someone.  A judgement has been found in their case of not guily and the Chicago Animal Care and Control still refuses to release them.  The dogs are suffering in their cages and they are not even allowed outside.  They have to sit in their own excrement. It has been almost three months now that the dogs have been held and the judgement was final in October. It is a travesty of justice and an abuse of authority.  Animal control used their authority in excess and still lost their case against these dogs.  

Insist now that they are released.  The dogs have done nothing wrong.  End their suffering by signing this petition and expressing your outrage at the abuse of authority Chicago Animal Care and Control is exercising.  It could be your dog in this position next, if steps aren't taken. Stop the blatant disregard of our legal system and help get these poor dogs released!

Please reease these dogs!  They have been declared not guilty in a court of law.  Under what authority does Chicago Animal Care can Control continue to hold these dogs?  Is CACC above the law now?  Are we not a state of democracy?  Release these dogs.  They have done nothing wrong and deserve to be home.

Atualização #211 anos atrás
Keep it up people! Thank you so much! It looks like an agreement is going to be reached!!!
Atualização #111 anos atrás
Wow! thanks to everyone who is signing the petition for my poor dogs. Can't wait to hand this off to my alderman and hopefully soon, a judge, to hear my motion to release the dogs. Cannot believe Chicago doesn't have better things to do than to fight a decision that the City has made, basically appealing itself. What does this say about this city? What does this say about the animal care and control here?

Thanks to all of you! Will keep you all updated for sure!
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