No Burning Bodies in East Gaithersburg!-Help East Gaithersburg United Stop the DeVol Crematorium Application (Application# SP-8415-2020)!

Did you know that DeVol Funeral Home has filed an application with the City of Gaithersburg to convert a single-family home at 14 E. Deer Park Drive into funeral viewing  rooms? In addition they want to build an addition which will contain a crematorium (an incinerator for dead bodies)?

A crematorium releases smoke that could release poisonous chemicals into the air including mercury, ash and cancer-causing agents which have been linked to lung disease, autism and cancer. This site, previously a single family home, is near neighborhoods, apartment buildings, Duvall Park, churches, as well as Summit Hall Elementary School (668 kids), Washington Grove Elementary School (482 kids) and Gaithersburg High School (2,850 kids).


The Deer Park area is a residential zone with many young families who chose this area because of its location and neighborhood qualities. The DeVol crematorium will bring an industrial zoned use into our neighborhood and will negatively affect the people we care about. We don't want a tall "smoke stack" (which DeVol refers to as a "chimney") emitting smoke and chemicals into the air where thousands of residents live, work and go to school. This site is not zoned for industrial use. We don't want the quality of life in the Deer Park area changed by more traffic and smoke.

Please help us—sign this petition calling for the Gaithersburg City Council to reject this proposal!

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    • Join us on Facebook through our East Gaithersburg United Group
    • Follow the subject on Next Door

    It's time for a better East Side in Gaithersburg.

    East Gaithersburg United!

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