Ask Mr Coulombe Chairman CEO of Trader Joes to stop selling products that contain PALM OIL

  • por: Lily McCoy
  • destinatário: Mr Joe Coulombe Chairman & CEO of Trader Joes

The Palm Oil industry is responsible for devastation with their cruel practices of Deforesting by fire totally destroying the orangutan's habitats! Many of the orangutan so are caught in the burning forests only to die a horrible death or survive fires with horrific burns over their bodies!

Trader Joes needs to stop selling products that contain Palm Oils!

The Palm Oil industry is destroying the Orangutan's habitats by cruel methods using fire to burn down their forests to make room for the Palm Oil groves they plant in its place!  Orangutan trapped and are burnt to death or cruely left burnt by their fires barely alive! This is an

inhumane practice while endangering the arangutans to extinction 

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