Demand the truth behind Davi,the dog from Brazil

  • por: Dianne Lynn Elko
  • destinatário: Colonel Veiga - Petrópolis - RJ & The fb page for him

Something about this whole situation bothers me with Davi.There is very much conflicting posts about him on fb.And no one seems to know where he is or how he is.There is a whole fb page about him,but with all repeated stuff over and over again.How can someone keep posting every day on him,yet NOT know how the hell he is?

I demand someone post the truth about this dog.Where he is,how he is,what happened with him?Too many questions...not enough answers.

Please anyone with any REAL information on Davi please come forth.We the petition signers demand the truth be told about him,either from his fb page,the man that found himor the vet who is careing for him.

Below are links to read more about Davi's story

ibly Disfigured Dog (Davi) in Need of Emergency Treatment shared Horribly Disfigured Dog (Davi) in Need of Emergency Treatment's album.

Update on Dog in Brasil Suffering From Horrific Wound - National Dogs | Examiner.Com


UP-DATE ON 10/22/12

A Espera De Um Milagre... Terminou! - YouTube

This is what it says:

The story of King David

Well a while ago I went to the market and butcher shop market noticed my shirt which had photo of an angel (before and after) and beside her a question: "I am protector! And you?"

He promptly called me, I went up to him and he had a dog that comtou full of tumors from a river.

I took the address of the place and went looking for the dog. So that before he asked the number from my phone.

Arriving on the scene unfortunately not found the angel in the river.

I returned to the market and there was not a dog to be found.

I continued to make my purchases.

Two months later, I answered the phone and a woman's voice says this number was given to her husband who worked in a butcher shop.

Then she loudly asked me please help me.

There is a pitbull in a thicket in a makeshift hut which is lacking a good part of her ass.

I grabbed the phone and the address of hers.

I called my friend Lucilia Martins and she promptly answered me.

Along with my sister Katia we went to the location using a GPS cell phone.

Thank God we reached our destination.

The first image I saw is engraved in my memory.

I saw an angel completely helpless, his face showed permanent sadness, thin and with a very large wound.

On his whole body I saw bite marks.

This told us that he was bought as a puppy in PetShop and its previous owner dropped it after he lost a fight in a ring of dogs.

At that time I lost the senses of the body.

And my heart took hold of my actions.

I rescued the angel and gave him the name of David.

Many have asked me why this name and I promptly say: "From what I know of the story of David, he was simple, fragile and became a King!"

David was rescued on September 20, 2012 and was the very next week at home assisted by Dr Izabela Berbert and the following week was attended by two veterinarians.

They found that he has anemia, but is recovering very well.

He loves to play with anyone who comes to visit him.


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