Send our High Schoolers back to school

Dear Calvary Day School Administration,

As parents of high schoolers, we are extremely disappointed in CDS' decision to send our children to distant learning.

We are very concerned that Calvary Day School is following the public schools' lead in singling out HS students while allowing the rest of the school to continue in person learning. While our children are older and physically independent, they are much more vulnerable mentally and emotionally and need to be around their peers and teachers in order to learn effectively.

You sacrifice the high schoolers into isolation so that middle schoolers "can spread out across the upper school"? Many families moved their children from public schools to Calvary to avoid isolation, depression and anxiety. They have been diligent in following all your guidelines and you reward them by sending them into solation?

We parents of High School students urge you to allow our children to return to on campus classes as soon as possible, ideally before the end of the semester.
As we move into the next semester, it is imperative for the HS students to be on campus as much as possible. Junior and Senior years are critical to students' success in college and beyond. Taking AP classes and learning complex concepts on their own is not the best option.

Let's do what's best for our students.

Parents of HS students

From CDS email to parents dated 12/2/20: "Since high school students exercise more independence in their learning, Distance Learning in the high school grades (9-12) can be accomplished in a more effective manner than is possible in the younger grades. This plan enables our middle school students to spread out across the upper school to ensure social distancing throughout the entire school day."

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