NJ Animal Abuse Registry is Necessary - APPROVE A2528 NOW!

  • por: Robin Gamatko
  • destinatário: Assemblyman GREGORY P. MCGUCKIN

****  This petition is to rally for the swift movement of NJ A2528. An act introduced on 2/21/2012 by Assemblyman  GREGORY P. MCGUCKIN  ****

Within the past year the deplorable cases of animal abuse have been splashed across the headlines and social media sites. The names Patrick, Sammy and Puppy Doe are known in most households and have become synonymous with abuse. The "humans" that have perpetrated these crimes receive a slap on the wrist and are sent on their way, free to abuse yet again and again!

Fellow New Jerseyans and Animal Lovers worldwide, this is simply unacceptable and if left unchanged will continue to perpetuate animal abuse!

It is my intent to see our great state of New Jersey follow in the footsteps of New York and Massachusetts (see Bill S.876) to institute an Animal Abuse Registry.

- The bill will propose that any persons 18 years of age or older will register within 10 days after conviction of an animal abuse charge.
- Every person required to register under this registry shall pay an annual fee of $50 to the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services. These funds shall be used to pay the administrative costs of maintaining the registry.
- Any person required to register who knowingly: (i) fails to register; (ii) fails to verify registration information; (iii) fails to provide notice of a change of address; or (iv) knowingly provides false information shall be punished accordingly.

In addition to the registry I proposed that all persons regardless of age that have been found guilty of animal abuse shall be required by the court to seek professional counseling at their cost, or that of the respective family if said abuser is a minor.  The cost of couseling will not fall on the taxpayer.

Animal abuse laws are antiquated and require change! I truly believe that this is a good place to start in New Jersey. This is the first step that I am taking in hopes to see my vision come to fruition. I sincerely hope that we can proceed together!!

Thank you for your time.
Yours very truly,
Robin Gamatko

Dear Assemblyman MCGUCKIN,

We the undersigned stand behind your campaign for A2528 (Animal Abuser Registry).  We implore you and the great state of New Jersey for swift movement of this Act. 


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