Tell Nebraska’s governor to pardon the teen arrested for having an abortion!

In a terrifying glimpse of the future awaiting women in red states, a 19-year-old has just been convicted and sentenced for inducing an abortion and burying the fetal remains. Her mother also faces sentencing on September 22 for helping the then 17-year-old obtain the abortion pills.

After someone tipped off the police, Celeste Burgess told them that she'd had a miscarriage — but the police then subpoenaed her Facebook messages. Meta handed the chats over without objection, changing both of their lives forever. 

Tell Nebraska to free Celeste!

The abortion was administered BEFORE Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court, but now Celeste faces three months in prison and two years on probation. Her mother could be punished even worse. The state should absolutely not penalize a mother for helping her daughter exercise agency over her own body, it's beyond the pale.

It is not a safe time to have a uterus, it hasn't been for a while. It is terrifying to not have agency over your body and your future, it's more than clear that Celeste and her mother lacked proper reproductive care resources. Governor Jim Pillen needs to do the right thing and pardon them both before it's too late.

Tell Nebraska's governor to pardon the mother and teen facing prison for an abortion!

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