Petition google to remove "for sale" or "as pets" from wild animal name search in auto-complete

When you search names of many wild animals in google, such as "tarsier", "bushbaby", "loris" (all three primates), "caracal", "linsang", "hyrax", one of the auto-complete choices is "for sale". The trade of wild animals as exotic pets are devastating to their natural population, and may also cause a welfare issue. By putting "for sale" in the auto-complete list, Google is inadvertently endorsing the (often illegal) wildlife "pet" trade, which is contradictory to its motto, "Don't be evil."

Google has the ability to control auto-complete results, as demonstrated that if you input a profanity word, there will be no auto-completes. Therefore, we petition Google to remove the "for sale" or "as pets" auto-complete after names of wild animal species (especially primates). We would be grateful to Google for helping the world's endangered species and biodiversity.


Example of google search auto-completes

assinar petição
assinar petição
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