Women abusing child support out of anger

    There needs to be some change when it comes to women being able to use child support a mom will put a caring and loving father on child support because she doesn't like the fact that he moved on to better his self he's willing and ready to take care of his kids and get them off of her hands if she's in a messed up situation but out of spite and anger the mom will say I don't want my child around another female and she will go to child support and say he has never done anything for my kids and right away you'll owe 50,000 in back pay just because your kids mom went up there and lied out of anger instead of allowing a woman to place a bird Woking man as well as a loving and caring father on child support for her own personal reason's they should go through some type of steps like drug tests and or they have to submit submit some type of forms to see are they spending the money wisely women already get so much help as is a single dad will have to go through so much to put a mom who isn't there on cp I think I'm speaking for all man who's on child support we need something done about this
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