Thousands of unborn infants continue to be killed daily. Many prolife bills have been passed at the state and federal levels. They have not ended this tragic epidemic. We need legislation that protects all unborn babies, not just some or even most. At one time, every one of us was unborn. If we want to uphold life, we must uphold it even when it is inconvenient. We must allow no exceptions. We can always find options other than abortion.
As a woman myself, I sympathize that girls and women often face difficulties and crises in pregnancy. This can be because they are too young or immature. This may be because they lack family support, financial resources or material resources. Girls and women often don't choose abortion freely. They are often uninformed, ambivalent or coerced. We can tout abortion as a choice, but this choice kills her baby and harms her. Psychologically. Spiritually. Sometimes physically.
Today, thousands more unborn infants will be killed. Many thousands more of their moms, dads, and other relatives will be affected by their needless deaths. It will be a battle, but we can stop this. Every life is precious and we need contnue the fight to protect every child. Together we can make a difference!
See an article about abortion facts and statistics
See an article on abortion statisticsSee an article about the public community clinics that can replace Planned Parenthood.
The above photo is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
American Life League via foter via CC BY-NC 2.0
Dear U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senate & U.S. President:
We call upon you to overturn Roe vs. Wade, the legislation that made abortion legal. We thank you for all the prolife laws that you have passed. They are inadequate, however. Babies continue to be killed daily, by the thousands. This is unacceptable, and must be stopped. We call on you to protect all unborn children from conception to brth.
To address the concerns of women and families, we ask that you not only defund Planned Parenthood. We call on you to move federal funds to the thousands of federally-qualified community clinics that provide comprehensive healthcare. These clinics care for the health of women and children. Some in Congress have already suggested that we do just that.
Increase Medicaid for pregnant girls and women, as well as children 17 and under. This may make untimely parenting more attactive and feasible for more low-income parents.
We call on you to update and improve existing adoption laws. Increase adoption subsidies for qualified adoptive parents. Doing this should make adoption more attractive to both pregnant parents in crisis, and adopting parents.
We can live without abortion. But all of us must be willing to make sacrifices to make it work.
Thank you for Listening to Us,
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