Stop the High-Speed Slaughtering Of Animals

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack

In the light of frequent cruelty to animals in the farming industry, pork producers are often in violation of animal abuse and cruelty. A new program has been implemented that seems to escalate animal abuse; read

As this document specifies, the USDA has allowed pork processors to work under a new implemented program for high speed pig slaughtering.  The program known as the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Based Inspection Models Project (HIMP) however lacks proper government oversight and inspection with the slaughter of more than 1,300 pigs every hour. The USDA is actually considering the expansion of this program for use at more facilities across the country. 

With the well-being of these animals in mind, we are asked to urge the stop of this program that allows high-speed slaughtering of animals.  You can help speak out against such a high-speed killing of these animals by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own comments and thoughts.

USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack – I strongly urge you to put an end to the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Based Inspection Models Project (HIMP) immediately and do not allow on any farms or pork production facilities.  Put an end to this current program and stop the proposed expansion of this program, citing egregious safety violations and animal cruelty at current high-speed slaughtering facilities.

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