Help us get Officer Perez License Revoked....Killer Cop Alert....

  • destinatário: Seniors, Moms, Dads, Justice Seekers, Stop police brutality


Stop Officer Perez from Moving from Police station to Police station!!!


         Above is a list of a few of the cases associated with Officer Perez that reveal a concerning pattern of excessive force and ongoing wrongful death lawsuits. It's crucial to ensure that any potential liabilities are addressed to protect the community.

         Moreover, it is important to highlight Officer Perez's involvement serval excessive force and wrongful death case. He was also involved in one of the largest excessive force cases in Illinois, which resulted in a monumental $33.5 million liability for the Dolton,illinois  Police Department. This case is linked to former Officer Lacey Lewis, who has faced significant federal scrutiny.

         Considering these serious concerns, I urge you help us get this Killer cop offer all streets! The goal is to STOP Officer Perez's employment in any police department in the United States. By seeking his license to be revoked. Considering both his performance history and the potential risks he poses to our community this is a Urgent Call to Action for all American who believe in just system!

Thank you from the Family and Friend of Alexis Wilson

See reference below:

1. Lawsuit alleges excessive force by Dolton police in shooting death of 19-year-old

Wilson v. Perez
Dolton paying $30,000 to settle false arrest lawsuit, charged after protest near Village Hall

Video Breakdown ~
Edited bodycam shows they lied about EVERYTHING!!!

Mayor has protestors arrested

2. Plaintiffs Allege Village Negligence After Fatal Police Chase

Village of Dolton denied new trial as record $33.5M verdict upheld

3. Agwomoh v. Village of Dolton

Appellate Court Reverses Circuit Court's Dismissal of Complaint Against Dolton and Police Officer –

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