Protect African Lion as Endangered Species

The African lion population has decreased nearly 50% and they have disappeared from 75% of their historic range,- meeting the criteria to be listed as Endangered under the Endangered Species Act.

In just a few decades, the African lion population fell from more than 75,000 to fewer than 40,000. Despite the decline in number, African lions are still being hunted as trophies.

The U.S. is the world's largest of lions and lion parts for commercial and recreational trade- this includes skulls, claws, hides, and live lions. Recently, even as food served in restaurants.

Some people have tried to argue that big game trophy hunters inject money into the local economies, which is then used for conservation. Humane Society International has flatly rejected that notion, saying that none of the money from canned lion hunts is used for wildlife conservation.

Protect African lions under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. There clearly is no legitimate reason to kill African lions, and their continued slaughter for "sport" is causing the rapid disappearance from the wild.

Save this iconic species from extinction in the wild.

Ken Salazar
Secretary of the Interior
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, N.W. / Washington DC 20240

The African lion population has decreased nearly 50% and they have disappeared from 75% of their historic range,- meeting the criteria to be listed as Endangered under the Endangered Species Act.

In just a few decades, the African lion population fell from more than 75,000 to fewer than 40,000. Despite the decline in number, African lions are still being hunted as trophies.

The U.S. is the world's largest of lions and lion parts for commercial and recreational trade- this includes skulls, claws, hides, and live lions. Recently, even as food served in restaurants.

Some people have tried to argue that big game trophy hunters inject money into the local economies, which is then used for conservation. Humane Society International has flatly rejected that notion, saying that none of the money from canned lion hunts is used for wildlife conservation.

Protect African lions under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. There clearly is no legitimate reason to kill African lions, and their continued slaughter for "sport" is causing the rapid disappearance from the wild.

Save this iconic species from extinction in the wild.

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