Justice for Patches! Make Animal Torture a Felony in Idaho!

Last September, sadists stole a pony and family pet named Patches from his yard in Rupert, Idaho. They dragged him behind a vehicle for over a mile, beat him and mutilated him. Patches' injuries were so severe that after he was found, a vet had to humanely euthanize him.

Authorities are still searching for Patches' abusers. While there is currently no felony provision for animal torture in Idaho, a new bill would change that. The bill would make it a felony for someone to severely hurt or kill a companion animal, or leave it to die.

The FBI has already acknowledged the link between animal abuse and human abuse, and is tracking animal cruelty cases nationally in an attempt to identify potential serial killers.

The distress these abusers caused Patches and his family need to be punished. Please sign the petition to urge Idaho State Legislators to support the bill to make animal torture a felony!

We, the undersigned, are writing to support a new bill that would make animal torture a felony in Idaho. In light of cases like September's torture of Patches the pony, we believe it is important to severely punish certain types of animal abuses for the protection of animals, their owners and communities.

Last September, sadists stole a pony and family pet named Patches from his yard in Rupert, Idaho. They dragged him behind a vehicle for over a mile, beat him and mutilated him. Patches' injuries were so severe that after he was found, a vet had to humanely euthanize him.

Authorities are still searching for Patches' abusers. While there is currently no felony provision for animal torture in Idaho, a new bill would change that. The bill would make it a felony for someone to severely hurt or kill a companion animal, or leave it to die.

The FBI has already acknowledged the link between animal abuse and human abuse, and is tracking animal cruelty cases nationally in an attempt to identify potential serial killers.

The distress these abusers caused Patches and his family need to be punished. We respectfully urge you to support the bill to make animal torture a felony!

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