Urgent facilitate blocking and closing outreach resource "VREDY.site", located in the EU (Lithuania)

  • por: Mila Lutsjuk
  • destinatário: Lietuvos Respublikos užsienio reikalų ministerija / J.Tumo-Vaižganto g. 2, LT-01511 Vilnius Telefono numeriai: 8 706 52444, (8-5) 236 2444 e-mail: urm@urm.lt

Lietuvos Respublikos užsienio reikalų
ministerija / J.Tumo-Vaižganto g. 2,
LT-01511 Vilnius
Telefono numeriai: 8 706 52444, (8-5) 236 2444
e-mail: urm@urm.lt

Uždaryti propagavimo resursų "VREDY.site"!
"VREDY.site" - Killers group of dogs, hunters of street dogs!!! Stop this!
The department of Ukraine cyber police conducted pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceedings opened on the fact of placing on the website «VREDY.site» information about cruelty towards animals. We ask the European Commission for the Protection of Animals (EU Animal Welfare) to support and close cooperation of the Member States to contribute to blocking and closing the site «VREDY.site», which is currently in the EU (Lithuania) and facilitate the prosecution of the owners of resources (data center / hoster) operated by "doghunters".


We, the animal welfare organizations, animal rights advocates, environmentalists, volunteers and caring citizens of Ukraine are highly concerned about the popularization of cruelty towards animals on the territory of CIS countries, particularly Ukraine.
We ask the European Commission for the Protection of Animals (EU Animal Welfare) urgently intervene in the situation described below.
The “doghunters” movement spreads the idea of socially useful and justified cruelty towards animals, unauthorized execution to control their numbers through poisoning (including pharmaceuticals, for example, "Isoniazid") through the media, petitions on websites, social networks and on their own information resources that are physically located in the EU.
For instance, there are regularly placed calls for the murders of stray animals, published photos before and after animal’s death, described the torturing of animals on the forum "VREDY.site" (hosting Lithuania), covered-up as a fight against "aggressive" dogs. In addition, "doghunters" coordinate the crimes against animals in major cities of the CIS through this resourse.
Due to the above, please:
- Urgent facilitate blocking and closing outreach resource "VREDY.site", located in the EU (Lithuania)
- Held accountable under the law of Lithuania / EU of the owners of resources (data center / hoster) operated by doghunters.

We’ll be grateful for your answer.

Sincerely yours Liudmyla Lutsiuk,
an animal rights advocate,
animal rights politic

Uždaryti propagavimo resursų "vredy.site"!

"VREDY.site" - Killers group of dogs, hunters of street dogs!!! Stop this!

The department of Ukraine cyber police conducted pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceedings opened on the fact of placing on the website «vredi. site» information about cruelty towards animals. We ask the European Commission for the Protection of Animals (EU Animal Welfare) to support and close cooperation of the Member States to contribute to blocking and closing the site «vredi.biz», which is currently in the EU (Lithuania) and facilitate the prosecution of the owners of resources (data center / hoster) operated by "doghunters".

Due to the above, please:

- Urgent facilitate blocking and closing outreach resource "vredy. site", located in the EU (Lithuania).

- Held accountable under the law of Lithuania / EU of the owners of resources (data center / hoster) operated by doghunters.

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