Stop the whale slaughter in the Faroe Islands

  • por: Marta Kaczynska
  • destinatário: Government of the Faroe Islands, Government of Denmark, EC DG ENV, International Whaling Commission

The sea is stained in red and it is not because of the climate effects of nature. It is because of the cruelty of civilised human beings who kill hundreds of the famous and intelligent long-finned pilot whales.

This happens every year in the Faroe Islands. In this slaughter the main participants are young teens.

These gentle whales even go near humans to play and interact, then they are cut and killed.

I urge the Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands to stop cruel slaughter of whales and create the Ministy of Environment to protect nature of the Islands and the surrounding sea.

Atualização #110 anos atrás
Thank you for your support - I am working on getting in touch with the relevant authorities. I will let you know about the next steps.
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