Demand stronger enforcement of animal welfare laws in India!

Recently a video of an unhuman, cruel and evil act of a leopard beeing burned alive was released on the internet ( The leopard was still alive for hours after the fire has gone out! This act can by no means be justified! It seems two people were already arrested, but action is needed to prevent such cruelty in the future. Demand stronger enforcement of animal welfare laws from Smt. Jayanthi Natarajan, Minister for Environment & Forests, India and the Animal Welfare board of India!  

Dear Smt. Jayanthi Natarajan and Animal Welfare Board of India!

Recently a video was released on the internet, showing a leopard being burned alive by citizens. The video was extremely shocking. We were relieved when we found out that already some of the participants have been prosecuted, but we think that this highlights a need for a more powerful enforcement of animal welfare laws in India.

India is a colourful, culturally unique country, and also one of the few remaining biodiversity hotspots of our world. Habitat destruction and growing human populations pose a great danger for many animals, especially for big cats if we consider their large territories. We are aware that animal-human conflicts, especially with leopards are not rare in India, but we think that such a cruel act cannot be justified. We are positive that there are peaceful solutions for this problem. Please ensure that such horrible things would not happen again in the future!

Thank you for addressing this problem!

Yours sincerely,

Bálint Üveges, Hungary and the Care2 Community         


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