Charge Officer with K-9 Partner's Death

  • destinatário: Columbia, SC Police Department
in Columbia, South Carolina a K-9 officer named "Turbo" was left by his human partner and handler, Police Officer David Hurt, in a car for 6 hours in 94 degree heat while Hurt attended an active-shooter training. During this time, he wasn't checked on once, not even to be let out to use the bathroom, all because the training was too loud.

After being locked inside this hot car for such a long time, the K-9 officer died.

This is an outrage! I want there to be change. If officers are required to attend this training, they should be required to either board their canine partner for the duration of the training or have the police department provide kennels that are air conditioned for the canines. It cost how much to train a K-9 officer? And what happens if a suspect shoots a K-9, do they not get charged with assault of a peace officer? They spent hundreds of hours and about $25,000 training this dog, only for it to be killed by neglect!

We demand justice for this dog, which died and didn't need to!
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